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Silver Coated Ø2 in Silicon Wafers | 1000 Å Ag | 9/pkg

$845.00 USD

  • Substrate: Prime Grade Ø2 in Silicon Wafers (Ø50.8 mm x 0.279 mm thick, P-Type <100>, SSP)
  • Adhesion Layer: Titanium (50 Å)
  • Deposition Material: Silver (99.99 %)
  • Silver Thickness: 1000 Å
  • Pack Size: 9/pkg
  • Coating Area: Single Side (polished)

Our silver (Ag) material is 99.99 % pure and is deposited onto p-type <100> silicon (Prime grade) using electron beam evaporation. We use a thin 2-7 nm layer of titanium (99.99 %) as an adhesion promoter for all our silver coatings. All substrates are pre-cleaned using an ion source for quality assurance.

At Angstrom Engineering we take pride in offering high quality Substrata products and services at affordable prices.

Questions? Please email us at [email protected] or call our toll free line at 1 519.894.4441.